Twas 12 days before Christmas

12 days! Only 12 days until Christmas!!! It’s easy to freak out! It’s easy to look at the insane list of a bazillion things to do before the big day. It’s easy to get stressed during a season that is meant to relieve stress.


God with us

That is who we are celebrating. It’s Jesus’ birthday! He came to set the captives free!!!! FREEDOM! Free from sin, free from bondage.

Bondage, that is where stress comes from, friends.

It’s easy to get wrapped up in all the things to do.

And that’s what bondage is…getting so wrapped up that you can’t smile, laugh, love or breathe.

And yes, you can get wrapped up in the glitter and wrapping paper and tinsel in life just as easily as you can get wrapped up the uglier things in life.

So I have something to add to your to do list. NOOOOO!!! More to do….yep….one more thing, but this one thing is the MOST IMPORTANT thing you will do all day.

MAKE time EVERY DAY for you and Jesus!

You can’t have freedom unless you know the one who holds the keys to unlock the prison.

What do you do during that time? It’s up to you.

  • Listen to a Christmas song that is actually about Jesus.
  • Sit with a cup of coffee and read a chapter of the gospel of Luke, or a Christmas book (I’ll put a list of the ones I read every year at the bottom of this). Even if you have littles, you can train them that if Mommy has a cup of coffee in her hand they may not touch her or interrupt her (I know this can work because I did this with the Marsh monkeys!).
  • Lay in bed with your eyes closed, pretending that you are still asleep 🙂 but spending time talking with God.
  • Make sure your kids will be safe and then lock yourself in the bathroom and talk to God for a few minutes.
  • Take time during your lunch break at work to read in your Bible or an Advent devotional.
  • Go for an evening walk, by yourself and talk to Him

Whatever it is, make the decision to do it! Every day! Let’s just start with the 12 days until Christmas. Commit to spend time with Him every day for these 12 days.

It’s worth it!

The rest of the stuff…it will get taken care of. The cookies will get baked, the presents will get wrapped, you will figure out that present for the one family member you are dreading buying a present for ;-), the elf will get moved (and if he doesn’t…ain’t no thang). And if those things don’t get done….who cares?!?!?!?!?

Focus on Jesus. It’s His birthday anyway!

In the Marsh Big Top, when it’s your birthday, it’s ALL about you. You make the decisions. You choose the meal. You get to pick what we watch on t.v.  You don’t have to do any chores.  It’s ALL about YOU!

What if we made Jesus’s birthday all about Him?

What if He got to pick everything? What would that look like in your house?  Would that change anything in your home or your plans as you gear up for these last 12 days before His birthday?

May it be so!

I love the glitter and the sparkles and the decorations and the smells and the lights and the movies and songs and….and….and.  I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!!

But may I never forget why we have Christmas!  I pray that all our next few weeks will be filled with wonder and joy and peace and JESUS!


Here is a list of my favorite books to read during Christmas time. Some are advent devotionals and some are books that you can just read a chapter each day. They are a little longer than a devo but…. oh so good.

“The Greatest Gift” Ann Voskamp
“Because of Bethlehem” Max Lucado
“On This Holy Night: The Heart of Christmas” little book, multiple authors
“Christmas Stories” Max Lucado
“The Miracle of Christmas” Stormie OMartin

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