Monthly Archives: September 2016

SAHM vs Working Mama

Why is it that we women are so quick to judge each other when we hear of other’s “career path life choices”?

Let me start by saying I have been 3 different women in 3 different stages in my life as a mama.  I have been a full time working mama.  I have been a part time working mama (this is where I have spent most of my time) and I have been and currently am a stay at home mama (SAHM).

So….I have some experience.  Let’s just say as the days pass by and things on me sag more and turn more gray, I am becoming more well seasoned and less and less tolerant of how mean we ladies can be to one another.

Why is the question on the table in my life today?  Well, because I went to the store and the lady working there who was at check out asked if I had the day off (It’s an inner beauty day y’all and it’s a lucky thing I got teeth brushed and deodorant on).  To this I responded “No, I am at SAHM” and she said “OH!!!  Then EVERY day is a day off for you”.


Y’all who know me would be proud.  Fire did not shoot out of my nose and incinerate the poor soul.  I did not totally loose my stuff but I did stand there and lecture her for just a little while on what being a SAHM means…and then I headed home to clean bathrooms.

So I am back to WHY????

And so I’m going to chat for a while….

Working women…can I get a big HELL YEAH!  Ladies, I love y’all!  I adore y’all!  I was y’all!  I apologize for the part of the SAHM community who judges you and secretly thinks it means you don’t love your kids as much as the SAHM community does.  That is a smelly load of bull that BEVO himself poops out before Texas games.

I KNOW how much you love your baby(ies).  I know many of you want to be home but are working because it’s the difference between food on the table or having a home to go home to.  I know many of you work because God just didn’t make you a SAHM kind of gal and you would be a mom on the news if you had to deal with those little lovies of yours terrorizing the house all day, every day.

I know that some of you have husbands who bust their tails in a job but need you to work to make ends meet, and some have husbands who just can’t or won’t work.  I know some of y’all don’t have husbands to share the heavy load.   I applaud you for being able to handle a job, whether it be full or part time and all the responsibilities at home.

Ladies, never ever ever let anyone make you to believe that you aren’t raising your kids.  You ARE!  I used to get so irritated when someone from the SAHM population would say “Well, I just couldn’t let someone else raise my kids.”  That is elitist, snobby mom crap!  You are those kids mama and whether you are there all day or not, you are the ones who speak into their lives and raise them to be the people they will become.

Alright fellow SAHMs…stand up and give a HOLLA shout because y’all ROCK!  I also love y’all!  I also adore y’all!  I also is one of y’all! I apologize for the part of the working mom community who believes that we sit at home and watch t.v. and eat bon bons all day long.

I applaud y’all’s ability to deal with irrational (although adorable) terrorists every day.  I applaud y’all for all the countless hours of rocking and reading and cleaning and booger wiping and food all over the house cleaning up and reading again and again and again..the same book 5 billion times in one day.  I applaud you for being able to shower or go to the bathroom with people screaming in the back ground or with little fingers wiggling at you from under the door.  I applaud you being able to hear the words “Mom, Mama or Mommy” said or shouted over 1000 times in a day and yet you have not ended up a mom on the news.

For those of y’all who hold the titles of SAHM for school age kids, I applaud y’all for everything that you do for your family that is never seen because they are all outside the house during the day and assume that fairies must come and make your house beautiful.  I applaud y’all for pouring into your families lives and I know lots of y’all who take on the roll of mentor to younger mamas during some of those “empty house” hours of the day.  You are changing the world by pouring your life and heart and experience into younger mamas and I HONOR you!

I apologize for the part of the working women who truly believe that you don’t work….Sister, YOU DO!!!!  I applaud you for being the wife, the mama, the cook, the house cleaner, the homework tutor, the dog washer, the grocery shopper, the house administrator, the pastor, the nurse, the counselor, the psychiatrist, the disciplinarian, the hugger, the laundry lady, financial planner, the volunteer, the mentor, and ALL the other jobs that you do that are encompassed in your SAHM title.  I applaud y’all for being in the only 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year job that exists.

Do NOT EVER believe that you are not accomplished or that your life is being wasted.  Ladies, the fact that you have the opportunity to stay at home to run your house is a blessing and it is world changing!  I am thankful EVERY DAY to my husband who busts his hot little tochie and because of his hard work has been blessed with an amazing job that provides for our family so that I CAN stay home.

So ladies…let’s stop saying stupid crap to other women in whose shoes we do not walk.  Let’s help a Sista out and give an encouraging word to her instead.  Let’s stop judging each other and have each other’s back.  Do y’all have ANY idea of how much better our world would be if we would support each other and love each other and listen to each other?

Alright…rant done….I have a house to vacuum.