Living like “we only have”

Gotta love Bible studies.  Right now I am going through Priscilla Shirer’s Gideon Bible study and it is AWESOME!  It’s talking about “Your weakness, God’s strength”.  I’m currently finishing up week 3 and today something JUMPED off the pages of the Word in Luke 9 and I had one of those OMG HOW HAVE I MISSED THAT BEFORE moments.  Yeah, I know you’ve probably never had one but it happens to this chick all the time.

This morning the study had me back in Luke 9 where we had been looking at the feeding of the 5000.  Yes, I said it was a Gideon bible study but isn’t it cool how one story in the old testament can lead us to something in the new testament and then we get to have one of those DANG moments. Ok, so here’s what hit me.  It wasn’t the feeding of the 5000.  Awesome story by the way.  Takes me back to felt teaching boards in the kindergarten Sunday school class room at Good Shepard Episcopal in Austin, Texas.  I had this awesome lady with huge semi beehive hair (it was Texas!) and very sensible black shoes as my Sunday school teacher.  Can’t remember her name, can kind of remember her face but I remember the hair and shoes and Bible stories (the most important things ;->) It’s crazy those childhood things we remember.  Once again…I digress…back to the DANG moment….

Look at the part of the chapter right before the feeding of the 5000 (p.s.- y’all know it really was like 10,000 because the 5000 only included men, not all the women and children – right?  Seriously, makes the story even more amazing and also makes me happy to live in a time where women and children are counted).  Luke 9:1 “When Jesus has called the Twelve together he gave them power and authority…STOP!!!  Right there — HALT!!!  You mean to tell me before the disciples said “We only have” (as in we only have 5 loaves and a couple fish and Lord, there are a butt load of people here and this ain’t enough food…that kind of “we only have”) in verse 13 when just 12 verses earlier, in verse 1 it says “He gave”??????  When the feeding of the 5000 occurred the disciples had JUST come back (vs 10) from going around  “from village to village, preaching the gospel and healing people everywhere” (vs. 6).  They had JUST before this moment been given power and authority to drive out demons and cure diseases and be sent out to preach the kingdom of God (vs 1-2).  It never says anywhere in Luke 9 that when they came back Jesus took that power away, so their “we only” occurred when they still had God’s power and authority.

My precious friends I feel like so many of us are right in there with the disciples.  We are choosing to live in a “we only have” moment when the reality is that when we accept Jesus and Lord of our lives and are filled with his Holy Spirit we are given power and authority and it IS NOT TAKEN AWAY.  Oh how often do we live like it’s taken away.  We live like life has defeated us and we can’t get back up.  We live in anxiety and depression and most of all—FEAR.

Fear, oh fear, you are a creepy, nasty little thing aren’t you.  You creep into the heads of mommas when they are holding their babies or sending them off the school  You creep into the heads of men when they are laying in bed at night with the world on their shoulders and sleep evading them.  You creep into the nightly news on all the televisions in America.  You make us think we can control our world so we can imagine that we have defeated you.  You steal joy.  You destroy lives.

Here’s the thing my friends……Yes, this world is scary.  Yes, evil is running rampant.  No, I cannot guarantee that nothing bad will happen to any of us or our families and that breaks my heart in a way that physically hurts.  BUT, I know a couple things.  I know that when all is said and done if you have Jesus as the Lord of your life—my Bible says WE WIN!  I know that God has put each of us here for a time and purpose and has filled us with power and authority and it is time we step out of “we only have” and we remember what He has given us and step out in that power and authority.  I know that God is in control…not us!  And I know that perfect love drives out fear and God is perfect love and when Jesus is Lord of your life He is in you so fear has absolutely no place in you life unless you invite it to live there and make a nice creepy, cozy home.

Friends, if you are a Believer, you have been given the power and authority of God,  WALK IN IT!  Do not allow fear a place in your life.  For years I lived completely paralyzed by fear until one night 4-5 years ago I had had ENOUGH!  Right then, I gave all those fears of me dying or the kids dying or Gregg dying or the house blowing up or creepy in the house movie guy calling me from in the house (Yes, fear is irrational!!!), and I gave it to God.  If He is God then He can take care of it a heck of a lot better than I can.  Yes, that nasty little fear bug tries to creep back in my life (on a daily basis I might add) and every time it happens I have to release control and ask God to take it.

If you are not a Believer, I challenge you.  Pick up a Bible.  Read it.  Jesus was not just a good man.  He was not just a good teacher.  He was not walking around throwing up flowers and peace signs.  He was teaching about the Kingdom of Heaven, He was loving ALL people but in that same love He was requiring them to walk away from a life that was killing them and embrace life (the woman at the well baby!) and He was claiming to be God.  As has been said by a famous Christian author (I am blanking on the name…come on I am still a mom of 3 ;->)…someone who claims to be God is either a Lunatic, a Liar or He is Lord. Who is He to you?

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